HC Deb 29 April 1954 vol 526 c1847
Sir D. Eccles

I beg to move, in page 1, line 10, to leave out "six," and to insert "seven."

In Committee the Government accepted an Amendment to add to the members of the Authority whose qualifications are laid down in the Bill an extra member who is skilled in industrial organisation. We were all glad that that Amendment was inserted in the Bill. The result of it was that the number of specialist members has been brought up from four to five, and we agree that that is too near the minimum of six. I am, therefore, asking the House to substitute "seven" for "six," with the result that the Authority must now have not less than seven and not more than 10 members.

Mr. Beswick

I thank the Minister for listening to the arguments that we put forward on the last occasion and for incorporating them in the Bill in accordance with the promise that he made. I am only sorry that our later arguments did not have the same influence upon him.

Amendment agreed to.