HC Deb 14 April 1954 vol 526 cc1117-8
13. Mr. Nabarro

asked the Minister of Food what responsibilities and duties will remain with his Department after food rationing ends this summer; and what steps he is taking to divest himself of such responsibilities and duties.

Dr. Hill

In reply to the first part of the Question, I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the main functions of Government now discharged by the Ministry and which will still have to be carried out after the end of rationing in July. As regards the second part of the Question, I cannot at present add to the reply given on 6th April by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister to the hon. Member for Newbury (Mr. Hurd).

Mr. Nabarro

Would my hon. Friend resist any temptations or blandishments from hon. Members opposite to retain the fabric of administration of his Ministry or even its nomenclature after rationing ends, and will it be his policy to expunge this unwanted Department at the earliest possible moment?

Dr. Hill

I think that when my hon. Friend has read the list of residual functions which remain to be discharged by the Government he will appreciate that there is a problem to be solved as to their future destination; and, as the Prime Minister has said, that is a matter upon which there cannot yet be a pronouncement.

Dr. Summerskill

In the event of derationing of food proving to be too expensive for the lowest income groups, what does the hon. Gentleman propose to do?

Dr. Hill

I do not propose to engage in forecasting future price levels, and I suggest to the party opposite that they should similarly desist, bearing in mind their forecasts of the cost of eggs.

Following is the list:

  1. (i) Implementation with the Agricultural Departments of the farm price guarantees in free market conditions.
  2. (ii) Administration of deficiency payments schemes for the four main cereal crops and for livestock; support prices for eggs and potatoes.
  3. (iii) Administration of subsidies totalling £285 million a year, including subsidies on bread and milk and welfare subsidies.
  4. (iv) Various responsibilities under continuing long-term contracts, e.g. for bacon, meat (with Australia), coffee, copra, orange juice. Continuing purchase of sugar to implement Commonwealth Sugar Agreement.
  5. (v) Oversight of import programmes for balance of payments reasons.
  6. (vi) Questions arising under International Sugar Agreement, Commonwealth Sugar Agreement and the International Wheat Agreement and in connection with such bodies-as F.A.O., O.E.E.C., N.A.T.O., E.P.U.
  7. (vii) Defence plans—Civil Defence organisation—stockpiling.
  8. (viii) Food standards, Food and Drugs legislation, Slaughterhouse legislation.
  9. (ix) Welfare foods and nutritional policy.
  10. (x) Disposal of stocks; winding up of accounts, etc.

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