HC Deb 13 April 1954 vol 526 cc945-6
17. Mr. Wigg

asked the Secretary of State for War the members of the Army Education Advisory Board; the dates of their appointments; and the occasions on which the Board has met since 1st January, 1953.

Mr. Head

I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of the members, which shows the year of their appointment. The Board has met five times since 1st January, 1953.

Mr. Wigg

Will the right hon. Gentleman be good enough to say whether he has examined the report of the Select Committee which looked at this problem after the First World War and recommended that Army education should have a relation to an external body to advise the Secretary of State for War? Has he not now gone back completely on that policy, and is he not aware of the disastrous result which followed a similar policy between the two wars?

Mr. Head

I do not think that arises out of this Question.

Following is the list:

Army Education Advisory Board Year of appointment
Mr. J. C. Masterman, O.B.E., The Provost, Worcester College, Oxford 1952
Mr. O. Barnett, B.E.M., J. P., M.A., President, National Union of Teachers 1948
Mrs. Helen C. Bentwich, Vice-Chairman, London County Council 1950
Mr. J. E. H. Blackie, Chief Inspector, Ministry of Education 1952
Mr. F. Bray, C.B., Under-Secretary, Further Education, Ministry of Education 1948
Mr. Ernest Green, M.A., J.P., Late General Secretary, Workers' Educational Association 1948
Mr. R. J. Harvey, M. A. Secretary, Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies 1948
Sir Charles Morris, M.A., Vice-Chancellor, The University, Leeds 1948
Mr. A. E. Nichols, C.B.E., Headmaster, Nele's School, Exeter 1948
Prof. J. N. Nicholson. M.A., Principal, University College, Hull 1948
Brigadier W. G. Pidsley, C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C 1952
Mr. E. Sydney, M.C., F.L.A., Borough Librarian, Borough of Leyton Public Libraries 1948
Mr. P. H. St. J. Wilson, C.B.E., Ministry of Labour and National Service 1953
Mr. E. W. Woodhead, M.A., County Education Officer, Kent County Council 1948
Prof. J. N. Wright, M.A., Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of St. Andrews, Scotland 1948
Mr. Arthur Bryant, C.B.E., M.A.. LL.D., Smedmore House, Nr. Wareham, Dorset 1948
Mr. F. J. Swan, B. Sc, M.A., Headmaster, West Norwood County Secondary School 1948
Consultant Member:
Mr. G. T. Pringle, Scottish Education Department 1948
War Office Observers:
Lieutenant-General Sir Colin Callender, K.B.E., C.B., M.C, Director General of Ministry Training 1952
Brigadier M. S. Beddall, O.B.E., Director of Army Education. 1952