HC Deb 27 October 1953 vol 518 cc2590-1
8. Mr. K. Robinson

asked the Minister of Works if he will announce the membership of the Historic Buildings Councils.

Sir D. Eccles

I have appointed Historic Buildings Councils for England and for Wales. The Secretary of State for Scotland and I hope to announce the Council for Scotland shortly. The chairmen and members have all been appointed in a personal capacity and not as representatives of organisations.

A list of the Members will be circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT. I am glad to announce that the right hon. Sir Alan Lascelles has consented to serve as Chairman of the English Council when he relinquishes his present appointment as Private Secretary to Her Majesty. The Chairman of the Council for Wales is Captain Geoffrey Crawshay, whose work for Wales over many years is well known to Members of this House. The right hon. Gentleman the Member for South Shields (Mr. Ede) and my hon. Friend the Member for Westmorland (Mr. Vane) have agreed to serve on the English Council, and the hon. Member for Caernarvon (Mr. G. Roberts) on the Welsh Council.

Mr. Robinson

While wishing these gentlemen well in their far from easy task, may I ask if the Historic Buildings Councils are now ready to start functioning?

Sir D. Eccles

Yes, Sir, and all the applications for grants should be made to the Secretary of the Council, Lambeth Bridge House, for the English Council, and to St. Agnes Road, Gabalfa, Cardiff, or to Lambeth Bridge House, for the Welsh Council.

Mr. Spence

Is my right hon. Friend able to tell the House who is to be the Chairman of the Scottish Council?

Sir D. Eccles

Yes, Sir, it is Lord Dundee.

Following is the list:

England: Chairman, The Rt. Hon. Sir Alan Lascelles; Members, The Rt. Hon. J. Chuter Ede, M.P., Miss D. M. Elliott, The Earl of Euston. Sir William Holford, Mr. Christopher Hussey, Sir James Mann, The Countess of Radnor, Mr. John Summerson. Mr. W. F. M. Vane, M.P. Wales: Chairman, Captain G. C. H. Crawshay. Members, The Marquess of Anglesey, Mr. S. Colwyn Foulkes, Mr. J. D. K. Lloyd. Professor Glyn Roberts, Mr. G. O. Roberts, M.P.