HC Deb 26 November 1953 vol 521 cc495-6
2. Mr. Houghton

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how increased rents proposed under the conditions outlined in Command Paper No. 8996 will be dealt with for the purposes of Income Tax, Schedule A.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

If Parliament approves my right hon. Friend's proposals the tax position will be governed by the ordinary law under which, where a rent exceeds the Schedule A assessment, the excess is taxable, subject to due allowance for repairs, under Schedule D.

Mr. Houghton

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that to follow that practice would throw a very heavy additional burden of work on the Inland Revenue Department and create many additional perplexities for taxpayers? Will he consider the matter and see whether he can remove the troublesome excess rent provisions under Schedule D and try to get the whole of the income on property assessable under Schedule A?

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

I appreciate and share the concern of the hon. Gentleman that we should not overburden the very efficient Revenue machine, but perhaps consideration of the application of this branch of the existing law to this subject-matter had better await discussion of the Bill.