HC Deb 24 November 1953 vol 521 cc179-80
33. Mr. Shurmer

asked the Secretary of State for War how far it is the practice to handcuff National Service men through the streets of cities and on long train journeys when they are being escorted back to depots under arrest.

Mr. Head

It is not the practice to handcuff prisoners. Exceptionally a prisoner may be handcuffed if, for example, he has already broken away from his escort and been recaptured.

Mr. Shurmer

Is the Minister aware that I have a case of a young man who left the Merchant Service and reported at the employment exchange. He was arrested and held for an escort, who marched him through the streets of Birmingham handcuffed without giving him the opportunity of seeing his parents or picking up his personal kit? Does the right hon. Gentleman not think that if it is necessary to handcuff a man he should be taken in a private carriage and have the vehicle to himself instead of it being open to the public?

Mr. Head

Normally if it is necessary to handcuff a prisoner that is done, but if the hon. Gentleman will let me have particulars of that case I will look into it.