HC Deb 17 November 1953 vol 520 c1547
34. Mr. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that conditions in the Kilmarnock slaughterhouse are causing concern; and when the local authority will be permitted to provide the modern slaughterhouse premises necessary in the interests of food hygiene and public health.

Commander Galbraith

Minor works have recently been carried out to improve conditions at this slaughterhouse. The question of major works will depend upon the recommendations of the Scottish Inter-Departmental Committee on Slaughterhouses who have been asked to consider an order of priority for new works to fit in with their proposals for a siting plan for the whole country.

Mr. Ross

Despite the minor repairs that have been carried out, is the Under-Secretary of State aware that the sanitary inspector recently described the conditions of this slaughterhouse as completely unsatisfactory and out of date and subject to periodic flooding, and that this danger was underlined by events in Kilmarnock last week? Is the hon. Gentleman further aware that for at least six years I have been asking this question of various Secretaries of State for Scotland, and that there is still no hope of progress? Can he hold out any hope that Kilmarnock Town Council will be able to provide the abbatoir that is required?

Commander Galbraith

I think we must wait until we have the report of the committee.