HC Deb 17 November 1953 vol 520 c1564
40. Mr. Fienburgh

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Defence what disciplinary powers are exercised by his Department over senior British officers seconded to Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers in Europe.

Mr. Birch

Officers seconded to international appointments are responsible primarily to the organisations with which they are serving.

Mr. Beswick

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say what is the channel of communication with the Government through which men are seconded originally? Also, is the hon. Gentleman aware that last Christmas, to a body of Members of Parliament, the Field-Marshal went out of his way to boast that he himself communicated privately with the Prime Minister of this Government, and is that the ordinary channel of communication which a Field-Marshal is supposed to use?

Mr. Birch

As regards a question of discipline or the removal of an officer from a senior appointment, the normal channel would be through the Standing Group in Washington.