HC Deb 12 November 1953 vol 520 cc1112-3
2. Mrs. White

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations to what extent the Governments of Southern Rhodesia and Bechuanaland or the Colonial Development Corporation will be associated with the private financiers who are to build the railway connecting Rhodesia and Bechuanaland with South-West Africa.

Mr. J. Foster

I understand that a commercial engineering concern is investigating the possibility of linking the Rhodesian and South-West African railway systems, but I have seen no firm plans. The interest of local Governments in any such project if it matured is obvious, but the question of their association with this particular proposal is premature. In the case of the Colonial Development Corporation it would be for the Corporation's Board to consider the matter in the first instance.

Mrs. White

Will the hon. and learned Gentleman give an undertaking that, if this plan does come to fruition, public representation of some kind will be provided so that the public interest can be fully safeguarded?

Mr. Foster

The Government will look after the public interest.

3. Mrs. White

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations what official information has been given to the African, European or Joint Advisory Councils in Bechuanaland concerning the proposed railway link with South-West Africa.

Mr. J. Foster

I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to her other Question on this subject. No proposals have so far emerged which would justify reference to these Councils.

Mrs. White

If they should, can we also be assured that there will be consultation with the inhabitants of Bechuanaland about something which so closely affects their interest?

Mr. Foster

On all matters which affcet their interest the Councils are consulted.