HC Deb 11 November 1953 vol 520 cc931-2
34. Mr. Benn

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General why the Bristol Corporation ambulance service radio communications are to be moved to a new frequency; what consultations took place with the corporation before this decision was reached; and why the full cost of this frequency charge will have to be borne by the citizens of Bristol.

Mr. Gammans

The Bristol Corporation ambulance service has not been asked by my Department to change its radio frequency.

Mr. Benn

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that Bristol Corporation are very anxious about this and that I have in my hand a letter from his Department in which he indicates that a change of the ambulance frequency will be necessary? Is he also aware that if the citizens of Bristol are put to great expense in changing their ambulance frequency to make room for sponsored television there will be great resentment in the area?

Mr. Gammans

The hon. Gentleman can get that bogey out of his mind. The two things have nothing whatever in common. Licences which are issued are subject to the condition that the frequencies may have to be changed. As I told the hon. Gentleman, Bristol has never been asked by my Department to change its radio frequency.

Brigadier Clarke

Can my hon. Friend give us an assurance that if licences have to be changed, either for corporations or for private individuals, some compensation will be given for the changing of the wave-band.

Mr. Gammans

No, Sir, I cannot give that assurance at all. Licences are issued on the condition that they can be changed and that no compensation will be payable. Those are the conditions under which people accept the licences.

Mr. Awbery

As the change is the responsibility of the Postmaster-General, will he not also carry the responsibility of paying for it, not only in Bristol but in all the other localities involved?

Mr. Gammans

I have just answered that point.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Can we have an assurance from the hon. Gentleman that he will stand by the terms of the licence and, when clearing out Bands I and 2, will not encourage rackets when people have to make changes?