HC Deb 10 November 1953 vol 520 cc773-4
45 and 49. Mr. Lewis

asked the Prime Minister (1) whether his attention has been drawn to the official statement made by the Foreign Secretary of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics that Russia would be prepared to enter into Four-Power talks at the highest level; and whether, as this coincides with the view of Her Majesty's Government, he will now approach the President of the United States of America, the Prime Minister of France and President Malenkov on the desirability of initiating Four-Power talks as soon as possible;

(2) whether he is aware that in recent weeks official declarations have been made by the President of the United States of America that he would be pleased to meet the British, Prime Minister for talks on international affairs, that Mr. Vyshinsky has stated that Premier Malenkov is prepared to take part in Four-Power talks; and whether, in view of these changed circumstances he will now make an approach to the leaders of the big Four Powers for a conference at the highest level for the purpose of trying to arrive at a peaceful solution to some of the world's problems.

The Prime Minister (Sir Winston Churchill)

At 2 p.m. G.M.T. I issued, as agreed with the other Powers concerned, the following statement from Downing Street: It has been decided to hold the Three-Power Conference at Bermuda, which was planned for the beginning of July but had to be put off. President Eisenhower and Mr. Dulles will represent the United States: Monsieur Laniel and Monsieur Bidault, France; and I and Mr. Eden, Britain. It is hoped to meet from the 4th of December to the 8th of December and various matters of common concern to the three Powers will be discussed.

Mr. Lewis

Is the Prime Minister aware that that statement will be received with warm appreciation by millions of people throughout the world? May we take it that it is the hope and desire of the Prime Minister that at this conference there will be an attempt to reconcile any differences of opinion there may be between the countries in the West in the hope of an eventual Four-Power conference, including Russia, at a later date?

The Prime Minister

The statement I have just read out was carefully concerted between the three Powers and I do not think I ought to attempt to add to it at the present moment.

Mr. A. Henderson

Would the Prime Minister consider the suggestion made in another place, that if an opportunity presents itself he would consider addressing the General Assembly of the United Nations, on behalf of men and women in all countries, drawing attention to the present international tensions and the need for some attempt to ease the situation?

The Prune Minister

No, Sir, I do not feel I could add that to my labours at the present time.