HC Deb 21 May 1953 vol 515 cc2242-4
27. Mr. Awbery

asked the Minister of Education what steps are being taken to bring about a closer co-operation between industry and our grammar schools to encourage a larger proportion of young men to take up industrial careers rather than other professions.

Miss Horsbrugh

I recognise that it is very important that industry should get its fair share of grammar school leavers. Advice and information about careers, including careers in industry are available to all secondary schools through the Youth Employment Service.

Mr. Awbery

Is the hon. Lady aware that there is a great tendency for boys leaving grammar schools to enter the professions, and that, as a result, industry is being starved? Cannot she encourage the lads to go into industry instead of the professions?

Miss Horsbrugh

I think that through the Youth Employment Service, which is under the Minister of Labour and for which the local authorities in most areas are responsible, information is given about industry and about other jobs to the boys and girls who are leaving. It would not be right to urge or press them in any one way. The information is given, and in some cases there are masters whose work it is specially to explain to boys the opportunities of work in industry.

Mr. Awbery

But will the right hon. Lady see that the needs and advantages of industry are brought before the boys while they are at school?

Miss Horsbrugh

Yes, Sir, I think they are, through the Youth Employment Service. The hon. Gentleman might be glad to know that there has lately been a conference—

Sir R. Acland

On a point of order. Might it not be a prima facie case of breach of Privilege if jet aeroplanes keep on flying over the House, and interrupting business in the way they are doing?

Mr. Speaker

There is no question of Privilege in that. The only remedy is for hon. Members to concentrate on the business before them.

Miss Horsbrugh

I was saying that there has lately been a conference in Harrow between grammar schools and industry. It was initiated by the local education authorities for the purpose of discussing the prospects in industry for boys leaving the sixth forms of grammar schools.