HC Deb 21 May 1953 vol 515 cc2236-7
15. Mr. W. Wells

asked the Minister of Education whether she will request local education authorities to instruct those concerned not to allow schoolchildren under their charge to attend the proceedings of criminal courts, except to give evidence, without previous inquiry from the court authorities whether the charges to be heard are suitable for children to hear.

The Minister of Education (Miss Florence Horsbrugh)

I am confident that the need for proper inquiries is generally well understood by local education and school authorities. I do not think that any special communication is called for from me.

Mr. Wells

Is the right hon. Lady aware that at the last Lewes Assizes a large party of secondary schoolgirls attended in the gallery and listened throughout the morning to a calendar which consisted mainly of cases of carnal knowledge of girls under 16 and gross indecency between males? Does she not think that in the interests both of education and the administration of justice action should be taken to prevent indiscretions of that kind?

Miss Horsbrugh

I am sure we all regret the occasion. I have seen the newspaper report of the case to which the hon. Member refers. I understand that the school concerned is an independent school and thus falls outside the responsibility of the local education authority. I am quite certain that if a mistake like this has been made the fact is probably now regretted. In the desire to arrange for visits to various institutions perhaps from time to time a mistake does occur and I am sure it is always regretted.

Brigadier Prior-Palmer

Has not the court any jurisdiction or authority to prevent children attending when unsuitable cases are heard, in the same way, for example, as cinemas have such authority? If school authorities are so ignorant, or so grossly stupid, as to allow children to go to a court like that surely there must be someone in the court who can say, "This is not suitable for children and we cannot allow them in"?

Miss Horsbrugh

I cannot answer that question without notice, but we all agree that what happened was extremely unfortunate. As far as I can gather, definite inquiries were not made that day as to the cases to be tried in the court. That was a great mistake and I hope it will not recur, but it has nothing to do with the local education authority.