HC Deb 11 May 1953 vol 515 cc1006-7
Sir T. Dugdale

I beg to move, in page 7, line 28, after "may," insert: and in so far as so directed by the Minister shall. This Amendment is to give effect to our discussions during Committee, and it provides that the Minister may give a direction to the river board to restore the land.

Mr. Blenkinsop

This is a rather more important Amendment, and we are grateful to the Minister for listening to the points which we raised in Committee, because it does in our view assure us that where a river board might perhaps not have decided to carry out the restoration, the Minister now has power to force that that be done. We think that this is an improvement, and we willingly give it our support and recommend it to the Committee.

Amendment agreed to.

Sir T. Dugdale

I beg to move, in page 7, line 39, at the end, to add: (6) Section seven of the Telegraph Act, 1878 (which makes provision as to work done in the execution of certain undertakings which involves alteration in telegraphic lines) shall apply to work done pursuant to a works authorisation as it applies to work done in the execution of such an undertaking as is mentioned in the said section seven. Section 7 of the Telegraph Act, 1878, applies where work involving alteration of telegraph lines is done in the execution of an undertaking authorised by an Act of Parliament. It provides for previous notice to the Postmaster-General so that he may decide either to do the work himself or require that it shall be done under his supervision. It also provides for payment of his expenses by the undertakers responsible for the work involving the alteration. This Amendment will apply the Section to work affecting telegraph lines when done under the authority of a works authorisation under this Bill as defined in Clause 4 (1).

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.