HC Deb 05 May 1953 vol 515 cc200-1
40. Mr. Swingler

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government if he is now able to announce a decision on future housing sites in Newcastle-under-Lyme so as to avert a breakdown in the house-building programme.

Mr. H. Macmillan

I cannot yet add anything to the reply which was given to the hon. Member on 28th April.

Mr. Swingler

Does the Minister realise the extreme urgency of the decision? Does he appreciate that every week lost now in the preparation of housing sites means an inevitable drop in the housing programme of Newcastle-under-Lyme next year, because we simply have no sites, and have no housing sites for 1954 at all, and unless the Minister will give his approval to take over the sites for which Newcastle-under-Lyme has made application it is inevitable that the Newcastle-under-Lyme Council's plan to build more houses next year, because of the shortage of land, will be unable to be fulfilled?

Mr. Macmillan

Of course I appreciate this. I think the hon. Gentleman knows that I have a certain bias towards the building of houses, but I also have carefully to consider the effect of taking agricultural land, and I try to get all these matters settled with the Minister of Agriculture. It is very important that this procedure of give and take and joint settlement should continue.

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