HC Deb 05 May 1953 vol 515 c199
39. Mr. Lewis

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government what reduction in the current county borough of West Ham rates it is estimated would follow a complete repeal of the Derating Act.

37. Mr. Parker

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government what reduction in the current Dagenham rates it is estimated would follow a complete repeal of the Derating Act.

Mr. H. Macmillan

It would be quite impossible to make estimates of this kind in respect of particular local areas. In any event, I have no figures of what would be the effect of agricultural land ceasing to be derated. Nor could I estimate the effect on the system of equalisation grants.

Mr. Lewis

In view of the fact that there is no agricultural land in West Ham, will the right hon. Gentleman try to get these figures, because I believe that if he makes an investigation he will find it is possible? If I put another Question down so far as West Ham is concerned, will he try to answer it, because I can assure him there is no agricultural land there?

Mr. Macmillan

I was answering two Questions together, and one of them did include agricultural land. I still say it is quite impossible to get these figures accurately, nor could I estimate the effect on the Equalisation Grant Department, but I will do my best to answer another Question if the hon. Gentleman puts it down.

Mr. Lewis

If the right hon. Gentleman made application to the borough treasurer surely it would be possible for him, in conjunction with the Treasury and the local authority, to get the information?