HC Deb 04 May 1953 vol 515 cc8-9
13. Mr. Younger

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what support Her Majesty's Government is giving to the claim of the British registered company Henckel von Donnersmarck Beuthen Estates, Limited, for compensation in respect of its wholly owned subsidiary, Lavantthaler Kohlenbergbau, which has been nationalised by the Austrian Government.

Mr. Nutting

Yes, Sir. Immediately after the Austrian elections, in February, Her Majesty's Ambassador made representations to the Austrian Federal Chancellor urging the Austrian Government to provide adequate and effective compensation for nationalised British interests. These representations have recently been repeated orally.

Mr. Younger

While thanking the Under-Secretary for that answer, may I ask if I am right in thinking that compensation has been offered by the Austrian Government to certain other foreign interests, and since this British company is only asking for its normal rights under international law, does not he think it time the Austrian Government did something about nationalisation which occurred nearly seven years ago?

Mr. Nutting

I certainly think it is time steps were taken in this matter. I am not blaming the former Government for not having taken it up before, but it was not taken up until the Austrian elections were over, the other day. Throughout the five years when the late Government were in office no representations were made to the Austrians. I very much hope that the matter will be settled as a result of the representations being made by Her Majesty's Ambassador.

Mr. Younger

Was there any arrangement with the Austrian Government about compensation for the United Nations assets at the time of nationalisation, as far back as 1946?

Mr. Nutting

I am not aware of any such arrangement, because the reason why the representations were not pressed—I am trying to be fair to the former Government in this—was that the Austrian finances could not have borne the burden of this additional compensation at that time.

Mr. Paton

Can the Minister tell the House in what circumstances this company, Donnersmarck Beuthen Estates, Limited, sought for and obtained British registration?

Mr. Nutting

Not without notice.