HC Deb 31 March 1953 vol 513 cc1010-1
9. Mr. Albu

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works, as representing the Lord President of the Council, what progress has been made with the surveys of the technical resources of industrial firms carried out by the Manchester Research Council, the Department of Engineering Production at Birmingham University and the Social Survey of the Central Office of Information; and whether he will publish the results.

Mr. Molson

The Manchester Joint Research Council's survey is complete and the Council is preparing a report with a view to possible publication. The Department of Engineering Production at Birmingham University is continuing its survey under a research contract with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Bodies working on such contracts usually publish their results in an appropriate scientific journal. A pilot survey of the technical resources of industrial firms in two small selected areas has been carried out by the Social Survey. It is not proposed to publish a report of this survey, but the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research are considering the preparation of a general paper covering all three surveys.

Mr. Albu

In view of the very great importance of these inquiries, will the Parliamentary Secretary ask his noble Friend to see that the fullest publicity is given to the results, in whatever form it may be, but in a way that could be fully understood by industry? Will he also ask his noble Friend to ensure that the funds which are devoted to this research are not reduced, and that, in fact, further inquiries are carried out?

Mr. Molson

The Department do try to ensure that all valuable results from such surveys are available in public form, and will continue to do so. As regards the matter of finance, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research are trying to maintain and extend the surveys they are carrying out, but the hon. Gentleman will be aware of the financial stringency which affects the D.S.I.R. as well as all other Departments.

Mr. Ellis Smith

Will the report of the Manchester Research Council be available to Members, and, if not, will the hon. Gentleman arrange to have copies placed in the Library so that the report is made available to us in that way?

Mr. Molson

I will arrange for the report, when it is published, to be made available in the Library.

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