HC Deb 24 March 1953 vol 513 c624
5. Mr. Dodds

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government if he is aware that in a large area of North-West Kent the cement dust nuisance is worse than ever before experienced; and, in view of the many protests that have been made in recent years, if he will state what progress have been made in dealing with this problem.

Mr. H. Macmillan

More dust from cement works in this area has been discharged recently because five of the electrical precipitators have been out of action. One of these units should be rebuilt by the end of this month. Repairs to the other precipitators are being hastened. Further action has been taken to reduce dust from the grinding, bagging and handling operations.

Mr. Dodds

I am sure that the tens of thousands of victims will welcome this information. Is the Minister aware that it is a topic of conversation generally in North Kent, and it only needed somebody to be unsympathetic to start a bloody revolution in that area?

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