HC Deb 18 March 1953 vol 513 cc7-8
24. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General why he will not consider issuing a series of stamps portraying eminent British personalities, in view of the types of stamps issued by other Commonwealth Governments and the British Colonies.

Mr. Gammans

British postage stamps have always portrayed the head of the Sovereign, and to do otherwise would break a tradition which was established when this country first issued postage stamps in 1840.

Mr. Sorensen

Is that any reason why we should not depart from tradition at times and supplement the very desirable printing of the monarch's head by the portrayal of other prominent personalities?

Mr. Gammans

This has always been our tradition. We have a small type of stamp, incidentally, which would not lend itself to more than one head on it. There is no demand, in my opinion, for any change, and if eminent people are to be commemorated I think they can be commemorated in some way other than on postage stamps.

Mr. Rankin

Could the Minister tell us why he has dropped the numeral "II" in the new issue of postage stamps but is not dropping it on his pillar boxes?

Mr. Gammans

There has been no dropping of the numeral "II" on postage stamps or anywhere else.

Several Hon. Members rose

Mr. Rankin

On a point of order. Has the Minister not seen his new stamp which does not contain the numeral?

Mr. Speaker

That is not a point of order.

Sir H. Williams

Would my hon. Friend consider the possibility of advising Mr. Speaker to have a weekly ballot to see which hon. Member is to appear on the postage stamp for the following week so that everybody can be satisfied?