HC Deb 17 March 1953 vol 512 c2042
11. Miss Ward

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether, in view of his undertaking that financial assistance will be made to the Carl Rosa Opera Company by the Arts Council in order that the provinces may share more fully from the grants in aid, he will say how long the negotiations have been in progress between the Carl Rosa Opera Company and the Arts Council; and what proposals have been made to the company.

Mr. R. A. Butler

No such undertaking, which would be contrary to the policy of leaving the Arts Council free to distribute these grants in their discretion, has been given. The Council and the company have been negotiating for some months. I am not in a position to say anything as to the result.

Miss Ward

Is my right hon. Friend aware that I have a letter from the Financial Secretary giving me the assurance that assistance will be given? May I ask for an assurance from my right hon. Friend that that assistance will be given, in order that the present independent Carl Rosa Company will be on the road in the provinces during this year? Would my right hon. Friend like me to send the letter to him?

Mr. Butler

My hon. Friend has no need to do that, as I certainly endorse any letter sent by the Financial Secretary, especially to her. The position about this company is, of course, one which excites considerable sympathy among us all, but I must leave the negotiations between the Arts Council and this company to be concluded, because that is the best way of running these matters.

Mr. Snow

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, by and large, what he has just said commends itself to most hon. Members, but nevertheless the position of provincial repertory theatres is very serious indeed, especially when they contemplate an unending vista of "Cav. and Pag." over the years?

Mr. Butler

I understand the point of view of the hon. Member.