HC Deb 16 March 1953 vol 512 cc1796-7
2. Miss Burton

asked the Minister of Food if he will consider the inclusion of a special section devoted to pensioners in the next report of the National Food Survey.

Major Lloyd George

The National Food Survey Committee already publishes in its reports detailed material on food consumption by old age pensioner householders. I doubt whether a rearrangement of this material would serve a useful purpose.

Miss Burton

We are aware that there is a cross-section of old age pensioners in this Survey, but is the Minister aware that the Old Age Pensioners' Association believe it does not give a true picture of the position? Is he further aware that they state that, in the cold months, old people must choose between food and warmth because they cannot afford both? Will he look into the matter if I send him evidence?

Major Lloyd George

I do not underestimate the difficulty of old people, and I will certainly look into any evidence the hon. Lady cares to send me. I would point out that we have a changing cross-section every quarter which takes in every part of the country, both rural and urban. It is a very good cross-section, and I doubt if there is any better indication in existence.

Mr. T. Brown

Is there any co-ordination or co-operation between the right hon. and gallant Gentleman's Department and the Ministry of National Insurance where, judging from Press reports, they are conducting a survey into the economic conditions of old age pensioners?

Major Lloyd George

Yes, Sir. There is close co-operation in these matters. I am not sure which survey the hon. Gentleman means, but the survey referred to last week in the Press relates to a period in 1950–51.

Mr. T. Brown

According to a report which appeared in the "Daily Mail" last week, a survey is being made jointly by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of National Insurance into the economic conditions of old people. Has the Department of the right hon. and gallant Gentleman anything to do with it?

Major Lloyd George

There is close co-operation and we hope to contribute, because we have this very good survey going on all the time.

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