HC Deb 16 March 1953 vol 512 cc1819-20
30. Viscount Hinchingbrooke

asked the Minister of Transport whether he will make a regulation to raise the speed limit of heavy goods vehicles from 20 to 30 miles per hour.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

I have under consideration further representations which have been made to me recently on behalf of vehicle manufacturers and users, but I am not at present in a position to add to previous statements on this matter.

Mr. Gibson

Before the Minister comes to any conclusion on this matter, will he be sure to consult the appropriate unions concerned, who have a very strong feeling about it?

Mr. Poole

Will the Minister also take into consideration the fact that many responsible people would view this alteration with very serious concern until some of the very dangerous places on our main trunk roads are put right?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

With regard to the first supplementary question, I would consult with the unions on the matter before action was taken. With regard to the second, I would remind the hon. Member that a large number of his colleagues in the last Parliament signed a resolution in favour of this change.

Mr. G. Wilson

Can my right hon. Friend say whether the Road Safety Committee have expressed any opinion either in favour of or against the proposal?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

They judge the matter solely on considerations of road safety and have made no objection on that score.

Mr. Shinwell

Can we have an assurance from the right hon. Gentleman that if any change is contemplated or is put into effect, it will not apply so far as built-up areas are concerned?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

There would be a 30-mile limit in the built-up areas anyhow.

Mr. Shinwell

I am asking that if any change is made in the 20-mile-an-hour speed limit for heavy vehicles, it will not apply to built-up areas?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

That is another matter. As I have said, I am not in a position to make any definite statement on the matter at the moment, but that is, of course, one of the points I would bear in mind.

Mr. Woodburn

Has the Minister any information as to the number of vehicles which travel at 20 miles an hour?

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

I am informed that of the vehicles that can travel over the maximum limit only 6 per cent. observe it.