HC Deb 16 March 1953 vol 512 cc1801-2
10. Mr. G. Jeger

asked the Minister of Food what action he is taking to reduce the costs of distribution of fruit and vegetables.

Major Lloyd George

I cannot add anything to the replies which I have given to numerous Questions on this subject over the past year.

Mr. Jeger

Is the Minister aware that in the Conservative Party's statement of policy, which I have in my hand—[HON. MEMBERS: "Hear, hear."] I am glad to have the encouragement of hon. Gentlemen opposite. Is the Minister aware that in the statement it is said: The cost of distribution of some foodstuffs is very high and we intend to review these commodity by commodity, beginning with fruit and vegetables, and to apply practical remedies according to the facts of each case. Would the right hon. Gentleman kindly indicate whether he has examined the excessive price of fruit and vegetables due to the high costs of distribution, and what action he proposes to take in accordance with the promise made in the statement of policy issued by the Conservative Party?

Major Lloyd George

At the moment I cannot do any more than hon. Gentlemen opposite could do in the whole of the six years they were in office. There has been plenty of information on this complicated business in the last few years. It is obvious that anything which is to be of permanent benefit in this respect will involve a large capital expenditure which can be undertaken only when funds are available.

Mrs. Castle

Could the right hon. and gallant Gentleman at least give the House an assurance that he will not give in to the pressure from the N.F.U. for increased tariffs on imported fruit and vegetables in addition to the reduced quotas of imports which they have already secured?

Mr. Jeger

Are we to take it that this is merely another broken pledge?

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