HC Deb 12 March 1953 vol 512 c1479
3. Mr. Lewis

asked the Minister of Labour the total number of unemployed at the latest convenient stated date; how this compares with October, 1951; what was the percentage of dock workers unemployed on both dates; and whether he will make a comprehensive statement on the Government's plan for bringing about full employment.

Sir W. Monckton

On 16th February, 1953, 428,820 persons were registered as unemployed compared with 263,756 at October, 1951. In the week ended 14th February, 1953, the average number of dock workers surplus to requirements each day amounted to 15.8 per cent. of the total of registered dock workers; the corresponding figure for the week ended 13th October, 1951, was 7.4 per cent.

The hon. Member may perhaps agree that a reply to the third part of his Question can hardly be given within the compass of an answer to a Parliamentary Question, and he will remember that a debate on this subject took place only a few days ago.

Sir H. Williams

On a point of order. As the information asked for in the two earlier parts of the Question is published in the Ministry of Labour Gazette, may I ask why this Question was admitted to the Order Paper?

Mr. Lewis

If the hon. Member looks at the Question, he will see that it refers to "the latest convenient stated date." The latest convenient date for the Minister might have been yesterday or the day before, whereas the date given in the Ministry of Labour Gazette is a month ago.

Mr. Speaker

I think that that is the answer to the hon. Member.