HC Deb 04 March 1953 vol 512 cc387-8
52. Mr. Dugdale

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the policy of Her Majesty's Government in regard to the retention of the industrial colour bar in Northern Rhodesia.

Mr. Lyttelton

It remains as stated in the terms of reference of the Dalgleish Commission, namely: That Africans in Northern Rhodesia should be afforded opportunities for employment in more responsible work as and when they are qualified to undertake such work.

Mr. Dugdale

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that when we on this side are returned to power we may well give early consideration to the implementation of the Dalgleish Report and, at the same time, the ending of the industrial colour bar in Northern Rhodesia? Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that if this is done and there is federation, it may well have considerable effect on Southern Rhodesia as well?

Mr. Lyttelton

I hope that the improvement in these matters will not be delayed until the Greek Kalends when the hon. Gentleman is returned to power again.

Mr. Alport

Can my right hon. Friend say whether there has been any response from the unions in Northern Rhodesia to the representations which, we understand, were made by the miners' union in this country with regard to this particular problem?

Mr. Lyttelton

No, Sir, I do not think that any noticeable progress has been made.

Mr. J. Griffiths

Will the right hon. Gentleman give every encouragement to the efforts now being made by the Miners' International to bring together the European and African mineworkers' unions with a view to reaching a settlement on this matter?

Mr. Lyttelton

I think the right hon. Gentleman knows that in this matter I stand exactly where he did, and that I, like himself, shall be glad to see some progress.

Sir H. Williams

Will my right hon. Friend send a copy of all this to the South Wales branch of the National Union of Mineworkers next time they are employing Italians?