HC Deb 24 June 1953 vol 516 cc1901-2
42. Mr. J. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what literacy test is applied for the adult franchise in Mauritius; and how many persons are thus qualified.

Mr. Lyttelton

Any British subject over 21, fulfilling certain residential and other conditions, can qualify for registration as an elector by satisfying the authorities of his ability to read and write simple sentences, and sign his name, in one of nine languages commonly in use in Mauritius. Ninety thousand two hundred and seventy-seven electors are so qualified out of a total registered electorate of 92,242.

Mr. Johnson

Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that there is keen feeling in the island that there should be universal franchise for all those over 21? Can he tell the House whether he is even considering this possibility in the near future?

Mr. Lyttelton

I think if the hon. Gentleman examines my answer he will see that we have gone a very long way towards meeting his idea.

Mr. Johnson

But 90,000 is perhaps something less than 20 per cent. of the population.