HC Deb 11 June 1953 vol 516 c429
16. Mr. G. Longden

asked the Minister of Education the membership and terms of reference of the committee which is to review the administrative and financial aspects of the Adult Education Service.

Miss Horsbrugh

I have invited the following to serve on the Committee, and they have accepted my invitation:



The Committee will have the following terms of reference: To review the present system by which the extra-mural departments of universities, the Workers' Educational Association and the other responsible bodies provide local facilities for adult education, with special reference to the conditions under which these facilities are organised and are aided by grant from public funds: and to make recommendations.

I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude to these gentlemen for being willing to help me in this way. They will have the assistance of a secretary from my Department.

Mr. Grimond

Is a similar inquiry to be made in Scotland and, if so, who is to conduct it?

Miss Horsbrugh

As far as I know there is no inquiry for Scotland. No doubt the hon. Member will address that question to the Secretary of State for Scotland.

Mr. Pannell

Will the right hon. Lady tell the House whether she thinks there is any serving local government member on that body?

Miss Horsbrugh

I have not invited serving members of local authorities, or members who are serving in any of the associations, to take part, but I think it will be seen from this list that we have people who have experience in local government.

Mr. Pannell

If the right hon. Lady holds to the decision that she objects to people who are serving with various bodies, why has she appointed a serving member of the T.U.C. General Council?

Miss Horsbrugh

I thought that was quite essential. He is not serving as a member of any body which has responsibility for education.