HC Deb 28 July 1953 vol 518 cc1080-1
33. Mr. D. Jones

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury what representations he has received about the discrimination of taxation and about town and country omnibus services; and what reply he proposes to give to the representations he has received.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

On the general question of discriminatory taxation my experience has been that those who would benefit from it are in favour of it, and those who would not benefit from it are against it. So far as town and country omnibus services are concerned, if what the hon. Member has in mind is duties on fuel, the interests concerned make frequent representations that these should be reduced.

Mr. Jones

Perhaps the hon. Member will now answer the Question on the Order Paper: what representations has he received from organisations connected with the omnibus industry telling him in plain unvarnished language that he misled the House on 24th June?

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

When the hon. Member re-reads his own Question, he will appreciate that it is perhaps not susceptible of a very easy answer. As for his supplementary question, this matter was debated, as he knows perfectly well, during the discussions on the Committee and Report stage of the Finance Bill. The attention of those organisations who have made representations has been drawn to the fact that the House decided against those views, and the reasons for which the House did so have also been drawn to their attention.

Mr. Shinwell

Would the hon. Gentleman be good enough to tell the House this: did he receive any representations? That is all we want to know.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

If the right hon. Gentleman will be good enough to study my original answer he will know.