HC Deb 27 July 1953 vol 518 cc881-3
38. Dr. Stross

asked the Minister of Food why, during the year 1952–53, liquid milk consumption in Stoke-on-Trent rose by 100,000 gallons, whereas in the country as a whole it fell by 33,000,000 gallons.

Major Lloyd George

I am not in a position to account for relatively small local changes in milk consumption which may be due to many variable factors.

Dr. Stross

Has the Minister any information to show whether this situation might be due to the increased use of liquid milk in industrial canteens, which would, of course, help adolescent boys and girls, particularly in view of the fact that this is a fairly substantial rise at a time when there has been a fall in other areas? Will not the right hon. and gallant Gentleman congratulate this most progressive city in Britain?

Major Lloyd George

I shall be very happy to do that, but I think that one of the reasons is that sales of pasteurised milk have gone down whereas those of sterilised milk have considerably increased. That may be the explanation.

43. Mr. J. Hudson

asked the Minister of Food whether he will give the number of gallons of milk imported from Northern Ireland in the last financial year, together with the value and the amount of food subsidy in respect of it paid to Northern Ireland farmers, reckoned upon a population basis.

Major Lloyd George

Four million four hundred thousand gallons. As regards the second part of the Question, I regret that it is not possible to allocate the benefit of the liquid milk subsidy as between producer and consumer.

Mr. Hudson

Does the right hon. and gallant Gentleman consider that we are getting sufficient milk from Northern Ireland to justify the higher cost to this country?

Major Lloyd George

I think that at certain times of the year, particularly when there are shortages in this country, it affords a very great advantage to us.

Mr. P. O'Neill

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend aware that on numerous occasions in the past, during temporary shortages of liquid milk in this country, the importation of this commodity from Northern Ireland has been of the utmost benefit to consumers, especially in the large industrial towns in the North-West of England?

Major Lloyd George

Speaking from my own experience, I can say that on more than one occasion, and particularly during the war, it has been of tremendous advantage to us.

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Will the right hon. and gallant Gentleman do his best to increase supplies of liquid milk from whatever source he can so that he can destroy the stores of powdered milk as a result of the use of which children have been poisoned?