HC Deb 27 July 1953 vol 518 cc870-1
15. Mr. Beswick

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs on what basis the financial subscription of Nationalist China to the International Civil Aviation Organisation is based; and what discussion took place on this matter at the last assembly of this organisation.

21. Mr. Anthony Greenwood

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs when China's membership of the International Civil Aviation Organisation was held to have lapsed; on what date she was readmitted; and whether she is now a fully-paid member.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

As my hon. Friend told the hon. Member for Uxbridge (Mr. Beswick) on 20th July, this is a very complicated subject and he has sent him a full explanation in writing. He has also sent a copy to the hon. Member for Rossendale (Mr. Anthony Greenwood).

Mr. Beswick

Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman aware that I am very grateful to his colleague for the very full letter which he sent to me, but that that does not alter the fact that the original answer given by he Minister was misleading? Would it not have been better if he had stated that Her Majesty's Government made no attempt at the Brighton meeting to point out the absolutely absurd and anomalous position of Nationalist China in this matter?

Mr. Lloyd

The matter has been frequently pointed out. We do not accept the position that China is not a member of this body now, while the majority of people who are members say that that is the situation.

Mr. Greenwood

Put very broadly, do not the difficulties derive from the fact that Her Majesty's Government accept the Republican Government of China as the real Government of China while other Governments do not take that view? Are Her Majesty's Government losing no opportunity to impress upon other countries the desirability of following the example of Her Majesty's Government?

Mr. Lloyd

Without going as far as that, I hope that, in the wider settlement of the Far East which we hope will result from present circumstances, that will be a matter which will be discussed and possibly changed.

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