HC Deb 23 July 1953 vol 518 c584
37. Mr. Snow

asked the Minister of Education if she is satisfied with the arrangements for getting Hopwas, Staf-fordshire, schoolchildren to their Tam worth schools.

Miss Horsbrugh

I assume that the hon. Member refers to the arrangements to be introduced next term. I have no reason to think that they will not be satisfactory.

Mr. Snow

Is the right hon. Lady aware that public opinion is coming to the conclusion that not only distance, but the incidence of traffic on the roads, should be considered in this matter? Many parents are acutely anxious about their children travelling on roads on which the traffic factor constitutes a very great danger.

Miss Horsbrugh

That is taken into consideration by the local authorities for any exceptional cases, and I would remind the hon. Gentleman that there is a public bus service between Hopwas and Tamworth, and that parents are at liberty to pay their children's fares if they wish to do so.