HC Deb 20 July 1953 vol 518 cc22-3
29. Mr. Beswick

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the names of those countries which are members of the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

Mr. Nutting

Sixty States were assessed as members for contributions to the International Civil Aviation Organisation at its recent Assembly in Brighton. With permission, I will circulate the list in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Beswick

May I ask the hon. Gentleman whether Nationalist China is a member? Will he bear in mind the reply given to me last week when I asked what instructions were given by Her Majesty's Government about the application of Nationalist China for membership and I was told that no application by the Chinese Nationalist authorities to become a member was before the Assembly? Will he bear in mind, further, that the final news release of the I.C.A.O., dated 2nd July, from Montreal, said, Nationalist China and Japan will shortly become members "——

Mr. Speaker

Order. It is out of order to read a supplementary question.

Mr. Beswick

With respect, Sir, I am quoting from a relevant document.

Mr. Speaker

If the hon. Member can put his point quickly and concisely, I hope he will do so.

Mr. Beswick

The news release stated that Nationalist China and Japan would become members of I.C.A.O. as a result of a decision to be taken at Brighton. Can the hon. Gentleman say how those two pieces of information are to be squared?

Mr. Nutting

Very briefly, the position of Nationalist China in relation to the International Civil Aviation Organisation is highly confusing and it would take far too long to explain it to the hon. Member at Question time. I will send him a letter.

Following is the information:

States assessed as members for contributions to the International Civil Aviation Organisation at its Seventh Assembly
Afghanistan. Israel.
Argentina. Italy.
Australia. Jordan.
Austria. Korea.
Belgium. Lebanon.
Bolivia. Liberia.
Brazil. Libya.
Burma. Luxemburg,
Canada. Mexico.
Ceylon. Netherlands.
Chile. New Zealand.
Colombia. Nicaragua.
Cuba. Norway.
Czechoslovakia. Pakistan.
Denmark. Paraguay.
Dominican Republic Peru.
Egypt. Philippines.
El Salvador. Poland.
Ethiopia. Portugal.
Finland. Spain.
France. Sweden.
Greece. Switzerland.
Guatemala. Syria.
Haiti. Thailand.
Honduras. Turkey.
Iceland. Union of South
India. Africa.
Indonesia. United Kingdom.
Iran. United States.
Iraq. Venezuela.