HC Deb 14 July 1953 vol 517 c1893
36. Mr. Gower

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will ensure that the repayment of post-war credits shall in no case be twice postponed by the death of the holder prior to the age for repayment and by the subsequent death of his beneficiary prior to such age.

Mr. R. A. Butler

I regret that I cannot accept suggestions for further releases of post-war credits at present.

Mr. Gower

In his future consideration of this matter, will my right hon. Friend consider the analogy to death duties, where certain allowances are made if deaths occur soon after one another?

Mr. Butler

I have already stated in this House that the aspect of the post-war credit that is most difficult is this question of death supervening at a certain date, and, if anything ever can be done, that will be one of the first matters to be considered.

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