HC Deb 13 July 1953 vol 517 cc1695-6
10. Mr. Nabarro

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power the amount of domestic coke available per annum to householders, respectively, in the North and South of England, in addition to the domestic coal ration of 50 cwts. per annum in the north and 34 cwts. per annum in the South; whether supplies of coke next winter are estimated to be adequate for the domestic market; why coke cannot be derationed; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

Yes, Sir; 3 tons of Group II fuel, which includes coke, in the current coal year, but not more than 30 cwt. in each six months. We expect there will be enough coke to meet the resulting demand but not enough to justify derationing. I agree however with my hon. Friend that coke can help very much with our problems, especially the shortage of large coal, and I think it would be useful if householders could get expert advice on the right equipment and grades of coke needed. I am glad to say that the Gas Council and the merchants are arranging for a marketing scheme which includes this service and, after consulting the Domestic Coal Consumers' Council, I have agreed in principle to this scheme which will come into operation in the south of England this autumn.

Mr. Nabarro

While appreciating that my right hon. Friend's judgment that he cannot deration coke at this moment may indeed be sound, though I differ from him, is he prepared to give early consideration, if he cannot deration coke, at least to making an announcement that he can increase the ration to householders to make good the shortage of large coal?

Mr. Lloyd

I will take note of the suggestion of my hon. Friend.

Sir W. Smithers

Does not the Minister realise that the real answer to all these questions was given by St. Paul when he said: For even when we were with you this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.