HC Deb 08 July 1953 vol 517 cc1248-9
Mr. Snow

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. On 17th June I put down a Question of a constituency nature addressed to the Minister of Housing and Local Government. I put it down with approximately a month's notice to the Minister concerned because I knew, incidentally, that it would involve searching certain historical records. Very properly I received a note from the Minister concerned, or his secretary, to the effect that it had been transferred to the Minister of Agriculture.

The Questions to be answered orally by the Minister of Agriculture are due for tomorrow, and this morning I looked at the Order Book to check that my Question was down. I found that the original date for answering this Question by the Minister of Housing and Local Government had been retained on the Order Book for Tuesday, 14th July, but, according to the list of Ministers answering Questions on that day, the Minister of Agriculture does not answer Questions. Although I readily admit that it is up to me to check that the Minister to whom the Question has been referred is in fact to answer Questions on that day, if he is not answering it seems that the procedure is prejudicial to the interests of hon. Members.

Mr. Speaker

In answer to the point of order raised by the hon. Member, I have frequently stated that the transfer of Questions from one Department to another is entirely the responsibility of the Department. It is impossible for me to say what are the precise limits of responsiblity of any Minister; Ministers themselves must be the judges of that. As regards the peculiar circumstances of the hon. Member's Question, it was up to him, as I think he correctly stated, to put it down for some day convenient to himself. If it was put down on the day when the Minister was not answering, he might have had it withdrawn that day and put down for another day. I think it is proper for hon. Members when Questions are transferred to exercise some vigilance to make sure that they are put down for a day convenient to themselves when they can attend and when answers can be given.

Mr. Snow

I do appreciate what you have said, Mr. Speaker, but would it not be for the convenience of hon. Members if in the course of routine notification that a Member's Question has been transferred to another Minister, it was stated that this might involve altering the day when the Question is to be answered?

Mr. Speaker

I think hon. Members are capable of looking after their own interests in that matter.