HC Deb 28 January 1953 vol 510 cc979-81
5. Mr. Powell

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Air the strength, in officers and cadets, respectively, of the Wolverhampton Squadron, the Boscobel Squadron and the Cosford Flight of the Air Training Corps and their respective average attendances at training parades

Mr. Ward

The main point to remember is that the total flying effort of the Royal Air Force was nearly twice as great in 1952 as in 1950, and, although I regret that these figures are higher, the actual accident rate is lower.

Mr. Stokes

Why cannot we have the figures? There are only three.

Mr. Ward

I can assure the right hon. Gentleman that are more than three.

Mr. Beswick

Can the Under-Secretary say to what extent the backward-facing seat has prevented the loss of life after accident?

Mr. Ward

I cannot give the exact figures without notice.

Mr. Beswick

Can the hon. Gentleman comment on the general principle?

Mr. Ward

Backward-facing seats have undoubtedly helped.

Following is the answer:

during 1952; how many ex-cadets of each joined the Royal Air Force in 1950, 1951 and 1952, respectively; and how much, per annum, each costs the public to maintain.

Mr. Ward

As the answer contains a number of figures, I will, with permission. circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

No. 1045 (1st Wolverhampton) Squadron (School Unit) No. 1047 (2nd Wolverhampton) Squadron No.2078 (Boscobel) Squadron No. 2224 (Albrighton)Squadron*
(A) Present strengths:
Officers and Warrant Officers 3 6 6 4
Cadets 39 35 60 28
(B) Average attendance of cadets at training parades during 1952 36 35 46 12
(C) Cadets who joined the R.A.F. in—‡
1950 Nil 3 7 Nil†
1951 1 4 5 1
1952 1 1 4 3
(D) Approximate annual cost of the squadrons in
1951–52§ £425 £600 £1,450[...] £275
* Located at R.A.F. Station, Cosford.
† Squadron formed in May, 1950.
‡ These figures relate only to boys who joined the R.A.F. directly from the A.T.C. squadrons. They do not include those who left the A.T.C. and, after an interval of time, joined the R.A.F.
§ Includes an element to cover the general overhead costs of the Corps.
[...] Includes £750 for new hutting.