HC Deb 23 February 1953 vol 511 cc1709-11
14. Mr. A. Henderson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can now state the further proposals of the United Kingdom Government for a closer efficient working relationship between the forces of the United Kingdom and of the European Defence Community.

Mr. Eden

The details of our proposals are under discussion with the six Governments concerned. They include suggestions for the provision of training facilities, advice on training matters and tactical demonstrations, the exchange of officers for command and staff service, joint training exercises, the interchange of air force squadrons and co-ordination of the systems of air defence.

Mr. Henderson

In view of the fact that the Foreign Secretary is proceeding on Thursday to the United States and, presumably, this is the last occasion on which he will be present to answer Questions,—

Mr. Eden

Until I come back.

Mr. Henderson

—will he consider proposing to the United States Government that both Governments should jointly recommend to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Council that the N.A.T.O. Treaty should be made co-terminous with the projected E.D.C.?

Mr. Eden

That is an interesting proposal which, from time to time, I have seen ventilated in the Press, but I do not think it is the same as the Question on the Order Paper.

Mr. Shinwell

Now that the right hon. Gentleman and the Government have agreed to promote closer association with the European Defence Community, is it also intended that there shall be uniformity in the conditions of National Service, having regard to the shorter period of operation in the other countries?

Mr. Eden

The right hon. Gentleman will know from his experience that it does not lie within our power to determine the length of national service in other countries.

Mr. Henderson


Mr. Speaker

Order. We must get on.

28. Mr. Wyatt

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he can now say what reply he has made to the French Government's proposals for a closer British association with the European Defence Community.

Mr. Eden

No, Sir. The additional measures which we have in mind for establishing a close association with the European Defence Community will have to be discussed with the French Government and with the other Governments who signed the European Defence Community Treaty before any statement can be made.

Mr. Wyatt

Why cannot we be told something about what is going on in this matter? Is it true, for example, that the French have asked us to extend our guarantee to E.D.C. from 20 years to 50 years? Is it true also that they have asked us to leave our Forces in Germany for so long as the European Defence Community wishes them to be there? Can we be told nothing of the negotiations?

Mr. Eden

I can tell the hon. Gentleman that the reply to the first part of his supplementary is, "No, Sir." We have not been asked to do that. He will understand that the general negotiations are not merely matters between us and the French Government. They concern the whole European Defence Community. I cannot make a statement except with their full knowledge and consent. An important meeting is taking place in Rome between the E.D.C. Powers, and nothing could be more unfortunate than that I should say anything which would make the matter more difficult.