§ 6. Mrs. Mannasked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that many shopkeepers impose conditions on the sale of nylon stockings and that wholesalers impose similar conditions on shopkeepers; and if he will take powers to regulate these conditions of sale.
§ Mr. P. ThorneycroftI am aware that there are such practices, but they are not necessarily undesirable. In so far as they are, I am satisfied of the adequacy of the existing powers in Section 9 of the Goods and Services (Price Control) Act, 1941 which, subject to specified exceptions, make it an offence for a trader to impose conditions on the sale of price controlled goods.
§ Mrs. MannIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that I feel very disappointed that in his opening remark he gave his blessing to this practice? Does he understand that the practice is to offer two pairs of cheap rayon stockings with one pair of nylons, and would he use his influence to try to stop that practice?
§ Mr. ThorneycroftI hope that the hon. Lady has not misunderstood me. What I meant was that it may be that a favour is sometimes shown to a regular customer in a shop; but where a trader tries to enforce, as a condition of sale, that the purchaser shall buy a fur coat or some other article as well, that is an offence and I think that it can be dealt with.
§ Mrs. MannIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that it is a constant practice, in connection with mail order advertisements, to offer nylons on condition that rayons are taken?
§ Mr. ThorneycroftIf the hon. Lady will call attention to any particular case I shall be pleased to look into it.