HC Deb 10 February 1953 vol 511 cc202-3
34. Mr. Grimond

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland to take steps to extend grants available for the erection of private houses to cover new houses built by crofters or by other private individuals, subject to the approval of the local authorities and his Department.

Mr. J. Stuart

Grants are already available under the Agriculture (Scotland) Act, 1948, for houses for crofters in the Highlands and Islands who are landholders or cottars in terms of the Small Landholders Acts, and under the Housing (Scotland) Act, 1952, for houses for members of the agricultural population generally.

Mr. Grimond

While I appreciate what has been done, I also appreciate that private house building assistance is open to difficulties and needs to be under some control. Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind that there are still many people who could build a good and cheap house for themselves if they could get assistance, which they cannot get under the present law?

Mr. Stuart

I understand the point, but at present no subsidy or grant is paid for houses built for owner occupation. It could not be done without legislation.