HC Deb 09 February 1953 vol 511 cc79-80
The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport (Mr. Gurney Braithwaite)

I beg to move, in page 8, line 34, to leave out "three," and to insert "six."

This Amendment seeks to carry out the undertaking given during the Committee stage by my right hon. Friend, and as not all hon. Members were present on that occasion I will explain what it does. Incidentally, may I welcome back the hon. Member for Shettleston (Mr. McGovern) whom we are glad to see looking rejuvenated after his sojourn at wherever it was?

By this Amendment we extend from three months to six months the period after the passing of the Act during which the Commission can continue to operate goods vehicles without carriers' licences under the Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933. The Amendment in the next line makes the same extension of time during which the Commission can lodge applications and then continue to operate the vehicles concerned until such applications can be considered by the licensing authority. There is very often apt to be a time-lag in this matter. There is also a consequential Amendment to the First Schedule on page 45, line 18, dealing with this matter, which merely carries out the intimation given during the Committee stage.

Mr. Ernest Davies (Enfield, East)

May I say how much we welcome the intervention of the Parliamentary Secretary. It is rarely that he intervenes in these debates, and we think he is putting rather a heavy burden on his Minister. On this occasion we are particularly glad to hear him, because he has gone half-way to meet us.

It will be recalled that during the Committee stage we moved an Amendment that this period be extended to 12 months. We are reasonably content that it should be increased to six months, although we regret he has been unable to go the whole way, as we still consider the Commission will be in difficulties in regard to all its applications for licences. But in view of the concession which has been made, and in view of the really important and far-reaching speech of the Parliamentary Secretary, we do not propose to divide the Committee.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In page 8, line 35, leave out "three," and insert "six."—[Mr. Braithwaite.]

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

I beg to move, in page 9, line 17. after, "Commission." to insert: or by any company under the direct or indirect control of the Commission to which property has been made over under section four of this Act. This Amendment is consequential to the one I moved a few minutes ago, in Clause 4, in page 7, line 39. It links with the same intention, as I then explained, of seeing that the creation of a company structure does not take those who work for the company under the Commission outside their national wage negotiating machinery.

The Amendment in Clause 4 applies Section 95 of the 1947 Act. This Amendment, by providing that vehicles specified in licences which are being used"— by Section 4 companies— shall be deemed to be vehicles not specified in any licence, excludes workers of such companies from the scope of the Road Haulage Wages Council machinery. It is not for me to master the mysteries of Parliamentary draftsmanship, but I am assured that this does give effect to our intention, and as such I commend it to the House.

Amendment agreed to.