HC Deb 16 December 1953 vol 522 c372
42. Mr. J. Johnson

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if his attention has been called to the OFFICIAL REPORT, details of which are in his possession, issued by the Government Printer, Kaduna, North Nigeria, entitled, "Report on the Exchange of Customary Presents"; and what action he proposes in this matter.

Mr. Lyttelton

Action on this Report is for the Northern Regional Government. I am informed that they have already set in train the preparation of draft legislation based on the recommendations in the Report.

Mr. Johnson

Would the Minister agree that the action of the leaders of the Northern Region in this matter has been public spirited and, where there is corruption in other parts of West Africa, will he set on foot similar investigations by Legislatures in those areas?

Mr. Lyttelton

That is quite a different question.