HC Deb 10 December 1953 vol 521 cc2169-71
38. Miss Burton

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that for old people the most important items of essential expenditure are food, fuel and light; and if he will therefore recommend a change in the weighting of items in the Interim Index of Retail Prices so that food, fuel and light occupy the first three places when the cost of living for old age pensioners is considered.

The Minister of Labour and National Service (Sir Walter Monckton)

I am aware that different types of household have different expenditure patterns. Decisions about weighting the index will not be taken until the results of the inquiry are available.

Miss Burton

Is the right hon. and learned Gentleman aware that the real problem for the old people is this immediate winter? Is he also aware that the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of National Insurance stated that old people had need of these three particular things? Can he not arrange for the matter to be urgently considered before the winter months are over?

Sir W. Monckton

As the hon. Lady will discover, as much information as possible is given, not only about these items—food is already 40 per cent. of the total of the index—but about the other items that make it up, in the monthly Ministry of Labour Gazette. Any further information that we can make available will be given, but to alter the weighting of the index in the meantime would be contrary to the unanimous advice of the committee which deals with the matter.

Mr. Hamilton

Is it not a fact that the items in question here are weighted only to the extent of about 46 per cent. in the Interim Index of Retail Prices? Is the Minister prepared to say that no old age pensioner spends more than half his income on both fuel and light?

Sir W. Monckton

I should not be prepared to say that. I have not checked the percentages, but I will take them from the hon. Member.

45. Mr. Hamilton

asked the Minister of Labour if he will publish in the OFFICIAL REPORT a detailed breakdown of the 11 per cent. increase which has taken place in the price of services since October, 1951, as shown in table 147 of the Monthly Digest of Statistics.

Sir W. Monckton

For the four main sections covered by the Services group of the retail prices index, the percentage increases in charges since October, 1951, were approximately as follow: Travelling expenses, 20; postal charges, 6; charges for entertainment, 10; other services, 5.

Mr. Hamilton

Is it not a fact that this category is weighted at approximately 9 per cent. in the retail prices index? Taking the increase in the price of services with the 14 per cent. increase in food prices since October, 1951, and 9½ per cent. increase in rent and rates since October, 1951, would the Minister not agree that these particular things hit hardest the poorer sections of the community, and resign in protest against this fundamental injustice?

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