HC Deb 03 December 1953 vol 521 cc1289-91
10. Sir W. Smithers

asked the Minister of Agriculture when details of his proposal to give land tribunals the power or duty to state a case to the High Courtwill be available, and, pending the introduction of this legislation, whether he will ensure that no farmer or smallholder shall be dispossessed.

Sir T. Dugdale

My proposal involves legislation and details will be available when the necessary legislation is introduced. I cannot adopt the proposal in the second part of the Question.

Sir W. Smithers

Is the Minister aware that his proposals are a step, but only a step, in the right direction and that we should continue to press for the right of all Her Majesty's subjects to appeal against dictatorial decisions in a court of law?

Mr. Bowen

Will the Minister also look into the whole question of the powers of the agricultural land tribunal with regard to the award of costs?

11. Sir W. Smithers

asked the Minister of Agriculture what compensation Her Majesty's Government will offer those farmers and smallholders, who, having been dispossessed of their farms by his Department, have lost their only source of livelihood, and have no right of appeal to a traditional court of English law on points of fact or of merit.

Sir T. Dugdale

An owner who is dispossessed for bad estate management receives the value of his land while an owner/occupier who is dispossessed on grounds of bad husbandry retains the ownership of his land and gets a rent from his future tenant. I have no power in either of these cases or with an ordinary tenant farmer to offer in addition compensation for loss of livelihood upon dispossession from their land.

Sir W. Smithers

How long does the Minister, as a Member of a Conservative Government, intend to persist in being a party to methods which are in operation behind the Iron Curtain, and which have there proved a failure? Will he either give way on this or resign?

Sir T. Dugdale

I shall adopt neither of those suggestions, but I would point out to my hon. Friend that if compensation were given to such persons it would put a premium on bad management and bad husbandry.