HC Deb 30 April 1953 vol 514 cc2337-8
33. Mr. Higgs

asked the Minister of Labour to what extent uniformity has now been achieved in the arrangements made for the observation by industry of Whitsun and Coronation holidays this year, in view of the loss of output which will be caused by unco-ordinated holidays in industry at that time.

Sir W. Monckton

As indicated in reply to my hon. Friend the Member for St. Albans (Mr. J. Grimston) on 26th February, this is a matter to be settled by agreement within industry in the light of local circumstances. In most instances the question of substituting 1st June for one of the customary holidays is being decided at factory level, and I have no detailed information about the arrangements made. There are, however, bound to be variations according to industry and district.

Mr. Higgs

While I appreciate the limits of the Minister's authority and responsibility, may I ask him whether he agrees that it now appears that those who want to make the greatest contribution to minimising the loss of production over these two holidays will work through Whitsuntide and take their holiday during Coronation week?

Sir W. Monckton

I am satisfied that when I consulted both sides of Industry and the National Joint Advisory Council on this we were agreed, I think rightly, that we should not override the local distinctions which might arise, but I am satisfied that we were all trying to get what my hon. Friend suggests that we may get—the maximum of work in spite of the holiday.

Mr. Fernyhough

Does not the Minister think it rather unbecoming and in bad taste to suggest that there will be any fall in output because of the Coronation?

Sir W. Monckton

I hope and trust that there will be a great advance in prosperity as a result of the visitors who come here, and the encouragement we get from this occasion, but the holiday necessarily means a temporary drop in some output in some places.

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