HC Deb 30 April 1953 vol 514 cc2323-4
9. Mr. G. Williams

asked the Minister of Agriculture why the fifth Report of the Agricultural Land Commission for the year ended 31st March, 1952, was not presented to the House of Commons till 14th October, 1952; and if he will hasten the issue of the report for the year ended 31st March, 1953.

Sir T. Dugdale

The Report was submitted to me by the Agricultural Land Commission on 23rd September, 1952, and I do not consider that there was any unreasonable delay either in its preparation or in its presentation to Parliament. The Commission prepare their reports as quickly as possible after the close of the financial year.

Mr. Williams

I think that my right hon. Friend means 1951, and not 1952. Even if it is 1951, there is a delay of about six months, whereas none of the big industrial or insurance companies would take so long to get out their accounts. Is my right hon. Friend aware that accounts which are brought out quickly are 10 times more valuable than those which appear six months or a year later, and will he try to bring about a speeding up?

Sir T. Dugdale

I agree with the last part of that supplementary question, and by raising the matter in the House my hon. Friend will have ensured that it is drawn to the attention of the Land Commission. I am satisfied, however, that they get out their accounts as quickly as is reasonably possible.