HC Deb 15 April 1953 vol 514 cc191-2
28. Mr. G. Jeger

asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware that chocolate manufacturers are informing retailers that they can still only supply limited allocations during the established ration periods; and whether he will take steps to enable manufacturers to furnish retailers with adequate supplies of chocolates without relating these supplies to the fixed ration periods.

Major Lloyd George

No, Sir. The trade is adjusting itself to the new conditions, and I must leave it to them.

Mr. Jeger

When the right hon. and gallant Gentleman replies, "No, Sir," does he intend to deny that the trade are imposing this regulation or sticking to the ration periods?

Major Lloyd George

No, Sir. I was referring to the latter part of the hon. Gentleman's Question, which asked whether I would take steps, and replying, "No, Sir." The trade must do it itself.

Lieut.-Colonel Lipton

Does the Minister still deny that there is a nation-wide continued shortage of chocolates and sweets?

Major Lloyd George

I deny it absolutely. There is a shortage of certain lines at certain times, but it still remains a fact that I have had no complaint yet from a consumer.

Mr. G. H. R. Rogers

Is the Minister aware that some wholesalers are offering retailers supplies of the more popular brands if they will accept a reduction in the profit margin, especially in the Wembley area?

Major Lloyd George

I have no knowledge of that, but it is a matter for the trade to settle. In any case, whatever difficulties there may be—and I do not think that they are as great as some hon. Gentlemen suggest—the announcement made yesterday will remove them.