HC Deb 27 October 1952 vol 505 cc1570-1
40. Mr. E. Johnson

asked the Minister of Supply if he will consider arranging an annual air display on the lines of that at Farnborough, in the North or North Midlands so that the aircraft workers in those areas can see the finished products of their work in operation.

Mr. Sandys

I agree that it is desirable to show our latest types of aircraft in the Midlands and the North, and I am considering with my noble Friend the Secretary of State for Air what arrangements can be made.

Mr. Johnson

While thanking my right hon. Friend for that most encouraging reply, may I ask him to bear in mind the outstanding claims of Manchester to stage a display of this kind?

Mr. Sandys

I do not make a promise, but we shall do what we can. I ought to point out that the Farnborough show was essentially a trade show, organised by the manufacturers, and that it has to be near London. I will see what can be done to show off these newest planes in the North and in the Midlands.

Mr. Snow

When the right hon. Gentleman says "show off" these latest types of planes, will he bear in mind that there is some public disquiet at the incidence of aerobatics in these displays, and that what the public want to see are the planes in ordinary, typical flight?

Mr. Sandys

I think that that is what is done, but to show the performance of planes we have to show what they can do.

Mr. J. Hynd

If it is in order to make bids for suitable sites for displays, may I make one for Sheffield?