HC Deb 23 October 1952 vol 505 cc1258-9
37. Mr. Morley

asked the Minister of Education how many local authorities have informed her that they are proposing to adopt the standard rates of assistance for major awards mentioned in Administrative Memorandum No. 425.

Miss Horsbrugh

Of 129 authorities which have so far informed me of their proposals for the academic year 1952–53, 98 have accepted either wholly or substantially the revised standard figures I have recommended. In 10 cases these are provisional decisions still subject to confirmation.

Mr. Morley

Since there are about 150 local education authorities, does not the answer mean that about 40 have not adopted the policy laid down in the Ministry's memorandum? What steps will she take to guide them into the paths of virtue?

Miss Horsbrugh

Altogether, 17 authorities have not yet reached a decision. In most cases they are awaiting the meeting of a committee. In addition, 31 authorities have not accepted the new rates.

38. Mr. Morley

asked the Minister of Education the total number of new major awards which local education authorities have notified her, following her request in Circular 252, as being their intention to grant this year.

Miss Horsbrugh

Altogether, 113 authorities gave me a forecast of the number of new university awards they expected to be taken up this autumn. The total for these authorities shows a slight drop when compared with the total for the same authorities for 1951.

Mr. Morley

Is not that policy contrary to the spirit of the right hon. Lady's memorandum?

Miss Horsbrugh

The drop among the 130 authorities is slight—the difference between 7,242 and 7,507. But I would inform the hon. Gentleman that the number of State scholarships taken up is 400 more than last year.