HC Deb 20 October 1952 vol 505 c681
22. Mr. Nabarro

asked the Minister of Food what obstacles now remain to abandoning the restrictions upon rearing and slaughter of backyard pigs.

Major Lloyd George

The present rules are needed to ensure that pigs raised by self-suppliers are additional to normal production and that they yield the maximum amount of extra food with a minimum use of scarce feedingstuffs. They must, I am afraid, continue so long as the supply position makes it necessary for producers generally to sell for the ration.

Mr. Nabarro

In view of the steadily improving feedingstuffs position and increased home production would my right hon. and gallant Friend give an assurance that the first additional supplies of feedingstuffs will be used to abolish the very restrictive clauses in the regulations relating to the raising of backyard pigs?

Major Lloyd George

I think it follows that as long as the restricted position of supply remains as it is today, and as long as it remains necessary for most of the bacon produced to go into the ration, restrictions must, of course, remain.

Dr. Stross

Would not the Minister agree that the raising of backyard pigs, while good in itself, offers no safeguard to the public who use the meat, unless the meat is inspected after slaughter? Will he bear in mind any necessary alteration in the rules, so that local authorities can see that the meat is inspected?